Importance of Learning Enclish - Sourav Bhuniya


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Friday, September 14, 2018

Importance of Learning Enclish

English is a Global language. For various reasons English has got the status of international language. In today's world of information technology and hi-tech communication, learning English is must. English is important for other reasons also.

In India English was introduced by the British Rulers. After the Independence in 1947, we realized the importance of English for communicative purpose. India is a country of different variety of religions. So, obviously different varieties of languages are spoken here. So English has become the medium of communication for the educated and the elite people. In India, English is taught as a Second language.

Today about 300 millions people speak English as the First language and another 350 millions use it as a Second language. It is the Official or Semi-official language in more than 60 countries and of many international organizations. International Organizations held their meetings in English.

We learn English because it is a useful means of international communication. Now a days English is called as common language.

Today importance of English needs no explanation. English is important for a number of reasons.
English is used widely by international business community. English is important for higher education and specialized training. Most of the books on any subjects are written in English. English is the medium of instructions in Education in most Universities and higher education Institutes of the world. English is essential for getting a good job and better salaries. Multinational Business Organizations and many International Corporations ask for people who have a good working knowledge in English. Even Job advertisements in local market also require English Knowing people. English is important for maintaining international relations and communications. Nowadays when we can communicate at ease with different parts of the world through Computers, the importance of learning English has increased.
English is important for access to World media and Entertainment.

The importance of English can not be denied. Knowing English is like having an International Visa.
Anywhere in the world English is useful and helpful. So, Learning English is very important.

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